Indonesia, International, Story, White
Untitled Growing up the youngest of three children in a very tight-knit, open, and opinionated family, I grew to love debate. My upbringing has been diverse and my background, convoluted to say the least. This doesn’t only provide me with frustration when having...
Male, Non-Hispanic, Story, White
Untitled As I glanced out of the window at 30,000 feet I saw the clouds above the Atlantic ocean. This happened to be a normal occurrence for me and my family, as we never really stayed in one place long. My mother was an airfield manager in the air force and my...
Male, Non-Hispanic, Story, White
Untitled There I stood in the stifling, humid air with my sister and mom. We were waiting in line for one of my most anticipated stops on our trip to Thailand, the Tiger Kingdom. The room was filled with numerous creaky, antiquated fans that slowly rotated,...
African American/Black, Female, Story, White
Untitled Being black and white has its perks. You don’t get a sunburn every easily and tanning is a breeze. But being biracial has a lot of downsides, especially at a young age. One of the things that I hated the most about being biracial was that people never...