Female, Latinx/Chicanx, Story
Untitled Senior year of high school, I thought of spending it as a breeze as most seniors do. But instead of that, it was the most stressful year of my entire school career. This all happened because I decided to take a nursing offered at my school to see if I truly...
Female, Latinx/Chicanx, Story
336 Days Today will be the first time I open up to a group about my legal status. I am one of those 800,000 people known as Dreamers. Who was brought to the United States illegally as a child. On September 5, 2017, Jeff Session announced to end Deferred Action for...
Asian-American, Latinx/Chicanx, Male, Story
Untitled My name as most people know is Thomas Kan, but my real name is actually Thomas Lomeli Barajas Santiago Rodriguez Kan. Life for me has always been double-sided, I belong to two of the most culturally diverse ethnicities in the world. My mother hails from...
Female, Latinx/Chicanx, Story
Untitled Food has always been an important part of my life. I understand that food is important for everyone, but food has really been my safe haven for a very long time. Whenever I had to go to sleep, my grandma would give me a cup of warm milk mixed with a little...
College 10, Female, Latinx/Chicanx, Non-Hispanic, Story, White
Don’t Judge a Child by their Outfits I was born a female, and I identify myself as a female, however I do not agree with the societal duties that come with being a female. It is always about appearances: my hair, my face, my outfit. Everything needs to look nice...