Zoey Serebriany

Untitled Waking up: the first step in the cycle of liberation. I feel as though I have had numerous experiences in my life that have further changed my understanding of what I believed was to be true. I have been taught from a young age that I was born into a life...

Anonymous Slug

Don’t Judge a Child by their Outfits I was born a female, and I identify myself as a female, however I do not agree with the societal duties that come with being a female. It is always about appearances: my hair, my face, my outfit. Everything needs to look nice...

Anonymous Slug

Untitled I just finished riding the new attraction at Universal Studios, the Harry Potter ride. The exit to the ride leads straight to the gift shop filled with all different types of Harry Potter apparel. As I wander through the shop, my friend’ request echoed...

Anonymous Slug

Road trip It was the summer before college. my friend Joseph called me and told me that he got two tickets to a festival and he would like for me to come with him. I thought, hey why not its free concert I’m totally down. I brought up the idea of the trip with...