Female, Latinx/Chicanx, Story
Untitled Food has always been an important part of my life. I understand that food is important for everyone, but food has really been my safe haven for a very long time. Whenever I had to go to sleep, my grandma would give me a cup of warm milk mixed with a little...
College 10, Female, Latinx/Chicanx, Non-Hispanic, Story, White
Don’t Judge a Child by their Outfits I was born a female, and I identify myself as a female, however I do not agree with the societal duties that come with being a female. It is always about appearances: my hair, my face, my outfit. Everything needs to look nice...
Asian-American, Female, Other, Story
Untitled To be gay would be so much easier this never would have happened if i saw women with lust not disgust this never would have happened if i saw men as a friend not a beginning to an end this never would have happened if i fell in love with her if i were to be...
Female, Latinx/Chicanx, Story
Untitled A year ago in October of 2016 I got an implant in my left arm, little did I know that small stick of plastic would be responsible for the worst six months I have ever experienced. I woke up early on a saturday morning, which I was not happy about since I had...
Asian-American, Female, Story
Sense of Self The teenage years, especially the high school days, are some of the most confusing times of our lives. During that period of time, we are figuring out who exactly we are, going through many things to find our sense of self. This was my problem. High...